VERSION 4.00 Begin VB.Form frmSysTray BorderStyle = 4 'Fixed ToolWindow Caption = "SysTray" ClientHeight = 2385 ClientLeft = 2820 ClientTop = 3555 ClientWidth = 4110 Height = 2790 Icon = "SysTray.frx":0000 Left = 2760 LinkTopic = "Form1" MaxButton = 0 'False MinButton = 0 'False ScaleHeight = 2385 ScaleWidth = 4110 ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False Top = 3210 Width = 4230 Begin MSGHOOKLibCtl.MsgHook MsgHook1 Left = 120 OleObjectBlob = "SysTray.frx":014A Top = 1740 End Begin VB.Label Label2 BackStyle = 0 'Transparent Caption = "Copyright 1998, Alex Wainstein" Height = 240 Left = 60 TabIndex = 3 Top = 810 Width = 3210 End Begin VB.Label lblMailTo BackStyle = 0 'Transparent Caption = "" BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851} Name = "Lucida Sans Unicode" Size = 8.25 Charset = 177 Weight = 400 Underline = -1 'True Italic = 0 'False Strikethrough = 0 'False EndProperty ForeColor = &H8000000D& Height = 240 Left = 645 MouseIcon = "SysTray.frx":0170 MousePointer = 99 'Custom TabIndex = 2 Top = 1080 Width = 1875 End Begin VB.Label Label4 BackStyle = 0 'Transparent Caption = "e-mail:" Height = 210 Left = 75 TabIndex = 1 Top = 1080 Width = 510 End Begin VB.Label Label1 Caption = "This sample uses Message Hook control to create a taskbar tray notification area icon and handle all mouse events." Height = 675 Left = 90 TabIndex = 0 Top = 90 Width = 3945 End Begin VB.Menu mnuBar Caption = "Menu" Visible = 0 'False Begin VB.Menu mnuShow Caption = "&Show" End Begin VB.Menu mnuExit Caption = "E&xit" End Begin VB.Menu mnuSep1 Caption = "-" End Begin VB.Menu mnuAbout Caption = "&About" End End Attribute VB_Name = "frmSysTray" Attribute VB_Creatable = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit ' See Global.bas for the global declarations Dim t As NOTIFYICONDATA Private bExit As Boolean Private Sub Form_Load() '1. Add icon to the system tray t.cbSize = Len(t) t.hwnd = Me.hwnd t.uId = 1& t.uFlags = NIF_ICON Or NIF_TIP Or NIF_MESSAGE t.ucallbackMessage = WM_TRAYNOTIFY t.hIcon = Me.Icon t.szTip = "Message Hook!" & Chr$(0) Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_ADD, t App.TaskVisible = False '2. Set MsgHook to handle WM_TRAYNOTIFY message for this window MsgHook1.hwnd = hwnd MsgHook1.AddMessage WM_TRAYNOTIFY, mshEatMessage 'mshPostProcess End Sub Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer) ' If closed from system menu or 'x' button - just hide If UnloadMode = vbFormControlMenu And Not bExit Then Cancel = True Hide End If 'else close End Sub Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) t.cbSize = Len(t) t.hwnd = Me.hwnd t.uId = 1& t.uFlags = 0& Shell_NotifyIcon NIM_DELETE, t End Sub Private Sub lblMailTo_Click() Dim res As Long Dim lpOperation As String Dim lpFile As String Dim lpParameters As String Dim lpDirectory As String Dim nShowCmd As Long lpOperation = "open" lpFile = "MAILTO:" + lblMailTo nShowCmd = vbNormalFocus res = ShellExecute(hwnd, lpOperation, lpFile, lpParameters, ByVal lpDirectory, nShowCmd) End Sub Private Sub mnuAbout_Click() frmAbout.Show vbModal End Sub Private Sub mnuExit_Click() ' We cannot simply call Unload Me because we need ' to let Message Hook to complete window message processing ' BEFORE the window is destroyed, but Unload Me does SendMessage ' We need to use PostMessage: bExit = True PostMessage MsgHook1.hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0&, 0& End Sub Private Sub mnuShow_Click() Me.Show End Sub Private Sub MsgHook1_Message(ByVal MsgId As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, ByVal MsgProcessing As Integer, MsgResult As Long) Select Case MsgId Case WM_TRAYNOTIFY: Select Case lParam Case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: Case WM_LBUTTONUP: mnuShow_Click Case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: Case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: Case WM_RBUTTONUP: PopupMenu mnuBar, , , , mnuShow ' This may invoke mnuExit_Click End Select End Select End Sub